Lefutott az első próba a PI (főnixes) tesztereknek. Egyelőre még nem lehet semmilyen képet, videót megosztani, ezért osztanak meg élményeket. Mint olvasható a két utolsó Castle Siege kaszt, az Engineer és a Weapon Master még nem készült el. Érdekesebben és jobbnak találták a Battle Royal játékmódnál. Vannak hibák, akadások és balansz gondok, de eddig semmi olyan komoly ami ne lenne orvosolható heteken belül. Valószínűleg lesz még pár előzetes teszt januárban, aztán utána talán már mindenki kipróbálhatja. Ha lesz még új infó, érdekesség, lehozzuk.
– 4 classes (Tank/Cleric/Ranger/Mage) all have different HP/MP/Stamina pools (1300hp – 1600hp/450mp-2000mp).
– Each class has 4 ‘Class abilities’ and 2 Weapons with 1 Unique ability each + 1 Consumable.
– Trinity System in place. Being able to AoE heal and mass revive with the Cleric + Tank pulls and CC + Magic/Ranged DPS feels great.
– TTK (Time to Kill) is much higher than the BR.
– We played a rough match of 20v20-ish. It was quite enjoyable.
– The Siege vehicles are fun to use. (Impaling someone with a Siege Ballista is satisfying)
– The map itself has numerous objectives that each provide various buffs upon capturing them.
– You can choose which objective to push for, plenty of sieging options/pathways/tactics.
– Engineer and Weapon master are still being worked on.
– The cleric was incredibly fun personally due to the AoE Healing, single target heals and chain heals. I enjoyed keeping multiple people alive during fights. Our tanks made some amazing pulls on the enemy team which was also great.
– The game map itself takes a bit of getting used to as its a castle where you need to learn the different pathways/passageways. Siege vehicles were great for nuking both players and destroying objectives.