Apocalypse – Open Beta 2. hétvégén és patch

Ne felejtkezzetek el róla, hogy most hétvégén megnyílnak ismét az Apocalypse szerverek, úgy tűnik egyelőre csak a Battle Royal játékmóddal. Ehhez érkezett most egy Patch leírás, hogy mi változott, illetve mik az ismert hibák. Mindkettőt megtaláljátok a tovább mögött…angolul.
Update: A frissítés már tölthető!
Update 2: EU szerver megcsuklott kissé, javítás alatt.


  • Mini map stays grey when loading into the match sometimes.
  • No-fill option button does not work.
  • Experience awarded from the adventure path is not being granted when you „level up.”

If you encounter this issue, please reset your password to a new password and avoid special characters.

  • Password Invalid for website, but not for Game Launcher: Some accounts are able to access the game with their login information on the game launcher, but not on the website.

If you encounter any of the below issues, please put in a Customer Service Ticket. If you already have a ticket in our system, please be patient. We have added additional personnel to our Customer Service Team, but due to the influx of tickets, our response time is a bit delayed. We appreciate your patience.

  • Invalid Input Parameter: Attempts to log in are disrupted by an Invalid parameter message.
  • Missing Embers: Ember purchases were not transferred, or applied correctly to the account.
  • Missing Package: Previously owned packages were not successfully migrated.
  • Limbo Account: Certain accounts are not generating a Password Reset. Players have provided screenshots of their email verification to confirm the issue is not user error.
  • Forced Username change error: Users whose usernames contain a special character are prompted to change their username on their first login. Some players are reporting that once they log out of their account with a changed username, they are no longer able to log back in using their old special character username, or their new username.
  • Password Invalid for website, but not for Game Launcher: Some accounts are able to access the game with their login information on the game launcher, but not on the website.
  • Legendary Path not unlocked for backers: Alpha 1 backers are entitled to a lifetime legendary path unlock. Multiple player reports are coming in that this feature was not given to their account.
  • Referrals are not showing up properly on account page.



  • Fixed bug with animation cancelling using emotes.
  • Fix for falling through the ground on death.
  • Fixed a bug that gave kill credit if PC died to self ownage, to the storm, or to gravity. (What goes up, must come down…)
  • Fixed issue where weapon scopes displayed unintended surroundings in windowed modes.
  • Fixed offset when players drop items.
  • Fixed an issue causing some doors to only be damaged from one side.
  • Fixed an issue that moved the crosshair when swapping between hip fire and ADS with the crossbow.


  • Updating short descriptions for kill with weapon quests to clarify who is killing whom and with what.
  • Fixed an issue where Inventory window was cut-off with small window resolutions.
  • Implement a region selection window which displays ping, and other useful information for players.
  • Added “No Fill” option button. (Doesn’t currently work, but in the future, if the checkbox is enabled, and a party is not completely filled, the party will not get assigned random players to fill their party.)
  • Players who are not leaders in a party should not be able to select regions.
  • Use ping functionality to initially select the users region.
  • Player is able to purchase a Compendium level before purchasing the Compendium.
  • Fixed UI bug that resets region selection in lobby after a match
  • Added section for controller mapping in settings


  • Updated all armor set skin weights with mesh fixes for clipping issues.
  • Fixed a bug where “A proper salute” was not playing the correct animation.
  • Added foliage texture optimization.
  • Added texture optimization, fixing duplicate materials on some static meshes.
  • Added logic for footsteps and missing lava cue.
  • Flattened Landscape under Crystal Canyon tribal assets that players were getting stuck in.
  • Raised terrain underwater plane in the Crystal Canyon area to prevent the player from crouching under it.
  • Collision now hugs the mesh much more closely. The player still can’t go under the sides standing, but that is because of the player capsule, not the dock collision.
  • Added optimization for crystal rock texture.
  • Added optimization for tree bark.
  • Reduced wind strength and speed, provides a more natural look to tree animations
  • Adding debris to engine and puddles.
  • Updated lighting
  • Texture optimization and material cleanup
  • Fixed projectile trails. They should both clean up more reliably and represent the actual projectile’s trajectory much more closely.
  • Made tweaks to armor heal 01 & 02 animations.
  • Fixed terrain bugs in Underrealm


  • Updates to storm audio
  • Added sounds for focusing sonic bow
  • Added variations to meteor volume impact & explode
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