Apocalypse – Leállás és új információk

Gondolom páran meglepődtek azon, hogy nem lehet belépni a játékba, ami eddig sem működött 100%-osan. Arról már mindenki tudott, hogy voltak gondok a honlap migrálássál, a szerverekkel, a belépéssel, tulajdonképpen minden háttérfolyamat akadozott. Valószínűleg rájöttek arra, hogy ez azért egy nyitottabb réteg felé nem biztos, hogy annyira szórakoztató, ezért új tervek készültek.

Január 11.-ig szünet, addig javítják a háttérfolyamatokat, szervereket, majd hétvégente stressz teszt, februárig, a Castle Siege játékmód bevezetéséig, a nagyközönség számára csak hétvégente lesznek elérhetőek az Apocalypse szerverei.  A tovább mögött Steven két levele.

Glorious Ashes Community,
It has been almost one week since we opened the Apocalypse servers to all registered users for our Beta test. While our servers have performed fairly well during these past few days, we have noticed a number of smaller issues where users would get stuck in queues or the general performance of the servers were not up to our shared expectations. As you know, one of the primary purposes of Apocalypse is to prepare our backend architecture for our upcoming MMORPG Alphas and Betas.

Thanks to your participation in this weeks beta test, we were able to identify some key issues, that impact our ability to scale up the number of participants in the current testing phase to the level we had planned to. In order to continue improving the underlying structure, we must return Ashes of Creation Apocalypse to a limited Beta Testing Phase. The current beta testing of Apocalypse will remain online until the 26th of December, at Noon Pacific time. After this we will take them offline to continue our work to optimize the structure for larger player numbers and preparing castle siege testing. We will open the servers again for focused stress testing on the weekend of the 11th of January 2019, and will provide access during each weekend thereafter, leading up to the official release of Apocalypse in February.During these weekends players will be able to freely download and play the game as it is right now. We may limit the maximum number of concurrent users during those weekends while we optimize server stability.

Any progress that players make during this time, as well as any purchases, will persist through the testing weekends and will carry over to the release version. The current chapter of the Adventure Path will also be extended so that players who join at the release will still be able to unlock all the rewards for the MMORPG.

As we prepare for Alpha One of the MMORPG, the testing data we collect from Apocalypse is invaluable. Ashes will be an open world, with thousands of concurrent players, not split into channels or instances. With battles that will see hundreds of players fighting each other or legendary world bosses. Preparing for that, requires extensive testing, which we are so grateful to our Glorious Testers who continue to support the project. Your commitment to Ashes is what makes everything possible.

So from everyone here, we would like to thank you for being part of our project, and helping to make Ashes of Creation the best it can be :heart:

May you have the Happiest of Holidays,
Your Ashes of Creation Team 



Glorious Ashes Community,

I have some updates for you,

Jan. 11th Beta Weekend: We will be opening the servers up for downloading and playing Apocalypse during each weekend starting January 11th, playtimes will be announced the week preceding that weekend’s playtest. These additional beta sessions allow us to ensure the stability of our systems so that the experience in Apocalypse meets our standards for an official launch expected in February.

Castle Sieges: I have decided to push back the testing of Sieges, due to work that is currently being done on the backend architecture for matchmaking and the game servers. As soon as I have a definitive date for Siege testing, I will announce it to everyone. While I do not like having to delay this testing (and I know neither do you), it is necessary in order to collect the actual data we need, while at the same time providing the experience I feel players deserve. So we will spend January making sure that Sieges are ready for showtime. This means that Alpha and Beta backers for the MMO can expect to see some testing near the end of January.

Web Accounts: We have been working to resolve the migration issues with accounts for the website, these issues may take until the end of next week to resolve, and we will be extending the December cosmetics to allow players ample time to access those if they cannot currently. Username recovery and password recovery options are being worked on and we will send out an email when those are complete. Forums: The forums will be up and running next week, and should contain the previous postings/threads.

Live Stream: Our next Live Stream will be on January 11th at 3pm PST, tune in on our twitch! We will be going over Castle Siege designs, some footage of the first Castle Siege map and how exactly the systems for this mode will work. To better prepare you for battle!

Have a safe Holiday weekend! :heart:



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