Érkezett egy frissítés a tegnapi Apocalypse buildhez, valamint kaptunk egy pályabemutatót a Castle Siege játékmódhoz, amiben szépen bemutatnak minden fontosabb ostrom eszközt. Patch notes a tovább mögött.
If you experience the message, „Failed to Connect Game Version Mismatch,” you will need to ensure you have patched the new client version. You can download this at https://ashesofcreation.com/launcher/latest.
Patch Notes:
> Fall damage adjusted to be more forgiving
> Bonesmasher hemorrhage damage reduced
> Party member names are not properly displayed within the Lobby.
> Fix for Players place message in victory screen
> FPS increase related to terrain
> Fix for parties not forming sometimes
> Fix for characters equipment not loading sometimes
> Compendium, quest, and XP not updating sometimes